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Triad Pairs ebook

$ 17.50

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Triad Pairs

Triad Pairs represent an organized methodology for improvisation. They are also a valuable resource for the creation of motifs in composition.

The triad pairs are presented on adjacent strings.

After dealing with the harmonic side of triad pairs, we then begin to explore melodic possibilities within this concept.

Chromatic connection between the pairs is also covered extensively.

Triad Pairs represent a significant approach to improvisation beyond traditional scales and arpeggios. Triad Pairs can be applied both horizontally and vertically to a variety of chords, scales, and tonalities.

Although the concept of Triad Pairs appears simplistic, the variety of note orders, inversions, and rhythmic variations leads to a remarkable diversity of musical ideas. Find opportunities to use this concept in your improvisations and compositions.

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