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Music: Pursuing The Horizon (Paperback Book)

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Soft-cover Book.

Music: Pursuing The Horizon

A handbook of survival for musicians.

“Music Pursuing the Horizon” is a book about the inner life of the musician. It provides guidance, inspiration and a fascinating glimpse into the world of musical development. The topics covered in this book are not covered in method books. Yet, they are as important as any technical subject in music.

How many times have the following types of questions and problems concerned you? Do I have enough talent to succeed in music? Why don’t I progress faster? Why do I avoid practice? Do I need a teacher? How can I overcome depressions about my playing? What are my goals? Can I play well if I only play part time? Why does “everybody” object to music as a career? Am I selling out if I play commercial music?

“Music Pursuing the Horizon” answers all these questions and many others with solid, practical advice.
It can be read over and over and always remains interesting and informative.

“In his book, “Music Pursuing the Horizon”, Chuck Anderson gives valuable advice on a wide variety of music related topics such as Talent, Setting Goals and Progress to name a few. Though these topics are not typically studied in most music curriculum, they should be and they are done so effectively in Chuck’s book. I highly recommend “Music Pursuing the Horizon” to music students everywhere.”

_Fred Sturm from Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York

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